Beyond my yoga journey of sadhana and seva, my curiosity was drawn to the ancient mystery and wisdom of Ayurveda. There was a calling in my heart to seek the teachings that showed the path to live a fully yogic way of life beyond my yoga mat and into my every moment. Thus, I embarked upon a year long Ayurveda pilgrimage which has been a profoundly life-affirming, life-changing and lifelong experience.

I have graduated as an Ayurveda Health Coach certified by Shakti School and I am blessed to bring these ancient eastern teachings to our contemporary western community. My heart intention is to educate and inspire you to live a way of life that is fully attuned to your inherent health and happiness, your unique ‘swastha’, the natural balance of the universe. Ayurveda embraces a life of simplicity that imbues qualities of presence, kindness and compassion into the nutrition of your sustenance, the sensory world that you perceive and receive; the heart relationships that you cultivate; your breath, mediation and prayers.


What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda translates as the Science of Life; the ancient Indian medical system that emerged alongside yoga over 5000 years ago. Through the ages, Ayurveda has integrated with Chinese traditional medicine, ancient Middle-Eastern medicine and modern Western science. Ayurveda is a timeless, living, evolving holistic health practice. The story tells that at the time of the Vedas, there was great conflict, illness and disease; thus, the rishis and sages went to the Himalaya to mediate on health and longevity. The teachings of Ayurveda were channeled through the voice of the cosmos, the wisdom of the soul in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. The heart of the teachings is that everything we need for healthy well-being and innate balance is held in the elemental power of nature and this empowers us to be our own healers.

The elements are the heart of Ayurvedic theory and practice. The Vedic theory of creation teaches that subtle vibrations moved within the universal space of pure awareness and this energetic motion gave rise to the five eternal elements: space, air, fire, water, earth. In the womb of Mother Earth all of creation came into existence. All life was born of the elements and the elements are present in all of life.

Vaisheshika developed one of the Shad Darshan, the six systems of Indian philosophy. He describes that the confluence of the elements creates the universe and that this elemental union is directed by the soul. Ayurveda interlaces the elements into three energetic patterns called doshas that are present in all beings: vata, space and air; pitta, fire and water; kapha, water and earth.

An individual’s dosha constitution of vata, pitta and kapha are determined at conception and this is called prakruti. Prakruti spans the lifetime of a person and their genetic code does not change. Most people express two doshas in their system with one elemental quality that is predominant; this determines an individual’s physical and spiritual blueprint. Healthy balance of prakruti is sustained through oils, massage, herbalism, nutrition, yoga, mediation and lifestyle.

Vikruti refers to the present state of the doshas that is subject to change and influenced by daily life. When vrkruti aligns with the individual’s prakruti, the person is healthy and balanced. If these are not concurrent, this indicates that there is a dosha impurity and that aspects of diet and lifestyle are not in harmony with nature. The difference between prakruti and vrkruti indicates the healing pathway to optimal health.

The Charakra Samhita (200 BC) teaches that equanimity of opposing forces is the energy of creation and that this universal pulse transcends from the cosmos to the dosha-nature of the individual. Vata dosha is made of ether and air; the principle of mobility and movement in the body, nervous and respiratory system, thought and emotion. Vata expresses as a delicate physique, happiness, imagination, creativity, alertness and flexibility. Pitta is made of fire and water. It governs metabolism, digestion, nutrition, temperature and vision. Pitta promotes vitality, courage, understanding and intelligence. Kapha is made of earth and water. It expresses as structure, solidity and the immune system; lubrication in the body, flow of the lymphatic and nervous system. Kapha promotes love, compassion, protection, calmness, forgiveness. Ayurveda seeks to sustain optimal health and well-being in an individual’s innate prakruti by balancing the opposing doshic forces in the body-being through the timeless principles and practices of Ayurveda. It’s perceived that each elemental dosha flows in service of the other; bringing our body-mind-soul into its pure natural radiance.

The Ayurvedic definition of perfect health is ‘swastha’, to be established in the soul, in the nature of who you truly are. This medicinal antiquity revives the art of beauty and grace, teaching us to live gently upon the earth attuned to the deep presence and peace of Mother Nature.

What Is Your Dosha Prakruti?

The soul journey to return to the pure state of swatha requires you to cultivate a profound and intimate relationship with your own Self. When you meet your-Self with complete presence and compassion, you will be able to perceive and reflect on the aspects of your own nature that need to fall into balance and align with universal nature. Ayurveda provides the tools with which to do this. You will begin to live a fully embodied life, emanating a soul essence that shines with the rising sun.

Ayurveda teaches that to sustain optional health and innate balances, one must live in harmony with their dosha prakruti and this journey begins with compassionate reflection on your-Self. Take a moment to explore your dosha and so, the primary pathway to healthy balance and well-being.

Ayurveda Journeys

These two day courses are designed to educate and inspire you about the history and mystery; theory and science; nutrition and lifestyle; principles and practices of Ayurveda to enlighten and enliven your body-mind-soul. Ayurveda holds timeless teachings that can be integrated into your daily routines so that the simplest aspects of your life are filled with presence, compassion and gratitude. I would love to guide you towards a more soulful way of living that is attuned to universal elemental balance and empowers you to reclaim your natural health and happiness.

The Path to Swasthai

The Path to Swastha shares the inspirational his-story and her-mystery of Ayurveda and the intricate theory, principles and practices of the tradition. You will learn how to integrate Ayurveda concepts and practices into your daily life and witness your personal transformative journey from imbalance to pure radiance.

Our Swastha Sadhana will begin with an Ayurveda-inspired Vinyasa Flow yoga class, lectures on Ayurveda theory and principles and a practical session on how to integrate these teachings into the circuitry of your day from sunrise to sunset.

  • His-story and her-mystery of Ayurveda
  • Doshic Theory
  • Ayurveda anatomy
  • Agni and ama
  • Prana, tejas and ojas
  • Daily dinacharya
  • Ayurveda on nutrition
  • Ayurveda on yoga and lifestyle
  • Ayurveda cookery class with The Green Apron

£195 per yogi
Limited places available

Ayurveda Health Coaching Program

I offer bespoke Ayurveda health coaching programs for individuals who would like to explore their personal path to ‘swatha’, established in true nature with the guidance of teacher led by authentic knowledge and Ayurveda principles and practices; values of empathy, kindness and compassion; a holistic approach to your whole body-being health and happiness.

Your Ayurveda Health Coaching Program includes:

  • In-depth Ayurveda Health Coach consultation with Heidi
  • 5 week Ayurveda nutrition program
  • 5 week Ayurveda lifestyle program
  • 3 tailored Ayurveda yoga and meditation classes with Heidi
  • 5 week Ayurveda yoga, meditation and journaling home practice program
  • Review of your Ayurveda journey and beyond

Ayurveda Investment:
£295 per yogi

Please contact Heidi at to book your place on any of these courses or for more information.

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