Yoga and ayurvedic traditions teach that the key to holistic well-being is balance.
The gunas are three aspects of nature present in all beings: tamas, earth, rajas, fire, sattva, light. Tamas creates a sense of stability and strength; inner trust, and faith; arising to stillness and serenity within. Tamas is the strong foundation that enables you to grow towards the infinite sky. Rajas has the energy of fire, dynamism, power, radiance and shine. Like the energy of the sun, rajas lifts tamas from the deep earth towards bright blue sky, infusing colour and vibrancy into life. Fire is the radiance of self, the brightness of being, your inner shine. Rajas fire, becomes tejas, light. Sattva is the luminosity of the soul, the serenity of spirit, the light of divine essence. Read More…