Radiance Juice Cleanse

image-1Every equinox, every change of season, our body, mind and spirit flow with the natural changing cycle of our beautiful world. It is a perfect time to cleanse our system so that it is open and fresh to embrace the new phase of the planet.

I completed a three day juice cleanse, whilst on an Intensive Yoga study retreat and I can thoroughly recommend the Radiance Juice Cleanse. It provided every nutrient and nourishment my body needed, allowing me to do intense physical practice and mental concentration, whilst cleansing my physical body, digestive system and organs.

‘The idea behind a juice cleanse is to give your body and mind a break and allow your body to heal itself as Nature intended. It gives your digestive system a rest from a constant intake of food, especially if you eat a lot of heavier foods such as meat and dairy. At the same time, it ensures that you are still nourished with juices made from fresh organic fruit and vegetables.

Juices contain almost immediately accessible fuel for your body. Most people will absorb far more nutrients from juice than from eating foods, even raw foods, since you do not rely on your digestive system being in optimum condition (which typically it is not….). At Radiance® we deliberately leave the fibre out of our juices, so that they require minimum effort from your digestive system and contain maximum nutrients, without any fillers. Consequently, nutrients enter your bloodstream rapidly and are absorbed for use throughout your body. This rapid absorption is what makes raw juice such a powerful alkalizer and detoxifier’.
