‘Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame’ – B.K.S Iyengar
This is a burning desire to go deeper, to know ourselves and our spirit more. It is the fire inside the drives the Sadhaka, the yogi to explore their Sadhana, the disciplines of yoga practice. Tapas is what brings us to our mats, to read our yoga books, to study ancient, traditional scriptures, to become vegetarian or to make changes to our life style such as, practising ahimsa, non-violence . As our connections to yoga awaken, our tapas deepen and our inner, burning desire to go deeper strengthens. This is tapas:
‘Yoga is a light, which once lit will never dim. The better you practice, the brighter the flame’ – B.K.S Iyengar
I began my first yoga Teacher Training diploma in November 2011 and graduated in November 2013 at Triyoga, London.
This course was led by Anna Ashby and Joey Miles, a deeply inspiring journey through the alignment, anatomy and bhava (feeling state) of yoga. This course deepened my understanding asana, pranayama and meditation, enhancing my own practice and connection to the soul essence of yoga. We experienced an integrated philosophy module led by Carlos Pomeda, who led us through the history of yoga from ancient India to worldwide modern times. It was an incredible exploration of yoga and my-Self over two years, which I shared with thirty-five other inspiring, soulful yogis.
I began my second yoga diploma in November 2013 and graduated in April 2014. My tapas were burning brightly with an open heart to absorb yoga more deeply into my life and my being. This course specialised in Vinyasa Flow Yoga, guided by Claire Missingham, a truly blessed and beautiful teacher who I hold dear to my heart. This journey was a magical and mystical experience, which integrated the physical anatomy of asana, esoteric anatomy and yoga assists. Yoga is brought alive by the creativity of choreography, music and chanting that is present in Vinyasa Flow Yoga – it is celebration of the soul.
Yoga is a practice that flows as deeply as the ocean and flies as high as the sky. My tapas burn as brightly as the sun with roots that run as deep as the Earth.
I feel gratitude and blessings in my heart for every moment of inspiration, knowledge and wisdom that my yoga teachers have shared with me, and enabled me to share with others.
My life is enriched and enlivened by svadyaya, study of The Self, and the exploration of yoga, an infinite world. I cannot wait for my next journey: Yoga and Ayurveda in India.